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Middle East Studies

The Middle East Studies Program offers students an interdisciplinary minor aimed at a comparative study of the Middle East (including North Africa). The minor curriculum's allows for the study of the Middle East since the emergence of Islam, the  study of the ancient, medieval, or modern Middle East, or a three-quarter sequence of a Middle Eastern language.

Middle East Studies students are encouraged to Study Abroad. Approved courses taken at other universities or through participation in the Education Abroad Program can be included as part of the minor by petition.

UC San Diego undergraduate students: Please use the Virtual Advising Center (VAC) for all advising questions. Use the "Meet with Advisor" page to schedule an appointment with an academic advisor. 


Program Director

Babak Rahimi
Associate Professor, Literature

Academic Advising

UC San Diego undergraduate students: Please use the Virtual Advising Center (VAC) for all advising questions. Use the "Meet with Advisor" page to schedule an appointment with an academic advisor. 


Guillermo Algaze

Amanda Batarseh

Eli Berman

Suzanne Brenner

Zachary Dunseth

Gary Fields

Thomas Gallant

Michael Provence

Babak Rahimi

Gershon Shafir

Nir Shafir

Oumelbanine Zhiri


Middle East Studies Minor

Requirements effective February 3, 2025: 

  • The minor consists of 7 courses (minimum 28 units).
  • At least 5 courses (20 units) must be upper division.
  • There is no language requirement. Students may choose to take a three-quarter (minimum 12 units) sequence of a Middle Eastern language (in which case only 4 of the 7 courses need to be upper division).
  • All courses must be taken for a letter grade.

Requirements before February 3, 2025:

The minor consists of 5-7 upper division courses, or 4 upper division courses and a 3 course sequence of a Middle Eastern language. 3 of the upper division courses have to deal with the Middle East since the emergence of Islam and are considered "core courses" while other courses are considered "supporting courses." All courses used to meet requirements for a minor in Middle East Studies must be taken for a letter grade and be passed with a grade of C- or better.

Students who declared the minor prior to February 3, 2025 may contact Middle East Studies via VAC to request a switch to the current requirements; however, students may also elect to complete the requirements at the time of their minor declaration.  



UC San Diego Undergraduate Student Resources

Course Offerings

Course Offerings

Refer to the official UC San Diego General Catalog for a complete list of approved courses that will count toward a minor in Middle East Studies.

Course offerings are constantly changing. Please refer to the Schedule of Classes for the most up-to-date listing.

(*) Indicates course may be petitioned for credit. Instructions on How to Petition Courses.

Fall 2024

  • JWSP 1. Beginning Hebrew
  • JWSP 104. Practicum in Advanced Hebrew
  • *HINE 137. Two Peoples-Palestine/Israel
  • *HINE 100. The Hebrew Bible and History
  • *VIS 129C. Art and the Middle East

Winter 2025

  • *CGS 167A. Decolonial Muslim Feminisms (Cross-listed with ETHN. 167A)
  • *ETHN 167A. Decolonial Muslim Feminisms (Cross-listed with CGS 167A)
  • HINE 109. History of the Ottoman Empire 
  • HINE 118. The Middle East in the Twentieth Century 
  • HINE 186. Special Topics in Middle Eastern History: History of the Near East

Spring 2025

  • COMM 158. Representations of the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict
  • HINE 116. The Middle East in the Age of European Empires
  • HINE 120. The Middle East in the New Century
  • JWSP 3. Intermediate Hebrew Continued
  • LIAB 1C/1CX. Arabic Conversation
  • LIAB 1F. Intermediate Arabic Conversation and Analysis
  • LIHL 117P. Persian for Persian Speakers
  • *RELI 150. Religion and Cinema
  • SOCI 158. Islam in the Modern World


Please find information about upcoming events and how to subscribe to the Institute of Arts and Humanities newsletter on the Events webpage.


Frequently Asked Questions

Please see below for responses to commonly asked questions. If you have further questions, please contact the Middle East Studies program through the Virtual Advising Center (VAC).

What are core courses?

Core courses deal with the Middle East since the emergence of Islam. Please refer to UC San Diego's General Course Catalog for a complete list of Middle East Studies core courses.

Can I take courses P/NP for the Middle East Studies minor?

No, courses must be taken for a letter grade.

I've taken lower division courses at my community college. Can they count toward my minor?

You will need to petition the course to see if it will apply toward the minor.

Instructions on How to Petition Courses

I found a UC San Diego course I want to use for the Middle East Studies minor. Can I take it?

You will need to petition the course to see if it will apply toward the minor.

Instructions on How to Petition Courses