Upcoming Events
All events listed are in Pacific Time (PT)
March 10, 2025: (In-Person) Rethinking Ta'ziyeh: Performance, Memory, and Space in a Shi'a Devotional Tradition | 9 a.m. - 6:15 p.m. | de Certeau Room, RWAC, Floor 3, Room 335
March 10, 2025: (In-Person) Russia's War with Ukraine: Chanllenges and Repercussions | 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. | GPS Main Building, Room 3201
Ongoing Events
January 16, 2025 - March 13, 2025: (In-Person) Japanese Book Club | RWAC 624
Join Us
We warmly invite you to be a part of our Institute of Arts and Humanities community. Stay up-to-date with the latest by joining our electronic mailing list.
October 9, 2024 (In-Person) The Voices of Babyn Yar Featuring Marianna Kiyanoyska | 5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. | Geisel Library, Seuss Room
October 9, 2024: (In-Person) The Burke Lecture presents A Tree of Life Screening with Susan Margolin | 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. | Suraj Israni Center for Cinematic Arts
October 10, 2024: (In-Person) Life After Kafka | 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. | San Diego Supercomputer Center Auditorium
October 11, 2024: (In-Person) Korean Day Festival | 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. | NTPLLC East Lawn
October 15, 2024: (In-Person) Founder Fireside: Latinx Entrepreneurs | 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. | Deisgn and Innovation Building, 1st Floor
October 15, 2024: (In- Person) Through The Embodied Archives of José Limón | 6:30 p.m. | Dance Studio 3, Department of Theatre and Dance
October 16, 2024: (In-Person) Ukrainian Poetry Series with Olena Huseinova and Lyuba Yakimchuk | 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. | De Certeau Room, 335 RWAC
October 17, 2024: (In-Person) The Sor Juana Project: A Reading of Love is the Greater Labyrinth | 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. | Mandeville Auditorium
October 22, 2024: (In-Person) An American Journalist in Russia and Ukraine with Joshua Yaffa | 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. | RWAC 292
October 22, 2024: (In-Person) A book talk with Jody Blanco: Counter-Hispanization in the Colonial Philippines | 4 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Ranglas Room 935, RWAC
October 23, 2024: (In-Person) APIMEDA Program Studies x AAPI Studies Student-Staff-Faculty Mixer | 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. | Sixth College Lodge
October 29, 2024: (In-Person) UC Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI) Funding Opportunities for Faculty | 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. | Faculty Club, Conference Room 4 & 5
October 30, 2024: (Virtual) Reporting from the Gray Zone: Stories of Moral Complication, Confusion, and Compromise with Joshua Yaffa | 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. | Zoom
October 30, 2024: (In-Person) Ukrainian Poetry Series with Halyna Kruk | 5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. | Seuss Room, Geisel Library
November 1, 2024: (In-Person) Annual Dia de los Muertos | 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. | NTPLLC Lawn, Sixth College
November 4, 2024: (In-Person) Ukrainian Poetry Series with Ostap Slyvynsky | 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. | de Certeau Room, Literature RWAC 335
November 5, 2024: (In-Person) Election Watch Party in the BRC | 8 p.m. - 11 p.m. | Black Resource Center
November 13, 2024: (Virtual) Ukrainian Poetry Series with Maria Galina | 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. | Zoom
November 13, 2024: (Virtual) UC Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI) Grant Opportunities | 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. | Zoom
November 13-16, 2024: (In-Person) Otherwise Film Festival | Time: Varies per film | Location: Varies per film
November 18, 2024: (In-Person) Chinese Studies Calligraphy Workshop | 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. | Geisel Library, Classroom 1
November 20, 2024: (In-Person) Join Jewish Studies in Celebrating Professor Mira Balberg's new book Here on Earth: A History of the Kibbutz | 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. | Seuss Library, Faculty Club
November 22, 2024: (In-Person) A book talk with Jessica Roda: For Women and Girls Only: Reshaping Orthodoxy Through the Arts in the Digital Age | 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. | Faculty Club, Atkinson Pavilion
December 3, 2024: (In-Person) Theater, Governance, and Incarceration: Voices from Inside with Nesser Rahmaninejad and Shahla Talebi | 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. | de Certeau Room, RWAC, Literature Floor 3
December 6, 2024: (In-Person) The Prince in the Mirror | 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. | Ranglas Room 935, 9th Floor, RWAC
December 10, 2024: (Virtual) Rated A: Soft-Porn Cinema and Mediations of Desire in India | 9:30 a.m. - 11 a.m. | Zoom
December 13, 2024: (In-Person) How to Say My Name: Chinese Pronunciation 101 |12p.m. - 1p.m. | ISEO Large Conference Room
January 13, 2025: (In-Person) Arab Students, Dostoevskian Sacrifice, and the Russian Girlfriend Fantasy with Margaret Litvin | 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. | De Certeau Room RWAC 335
January 29, 2025: (In-Person) Egyptian Things: Translating Egypt to Early Imperial Rome Book Talk with Ted Kelting | 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. | Seuss Library Faculty Club
January 29, 2025: (In-Person) Lunar New Year Celebration | 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. | The Great Hall
January 30, 2025: (In-Person) The Stranniki: A Yiddish Musical Performance with Psoy Korolenko and Polina Shepherd | 4 p.m. - 5 p.m. | Hillel of San Diego UCSD
February 4, 2025: (In-Person) Annual Ranglas Lecture and Book Signing: The Glory of Violence in the Iliad | 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. | The Jeannie Auditorium
February 6, 2025: (In-Person) Sexual Violence During the Holocaust: The Known, the UnKnown and the Thorny Issue of Sexual Barter featuring Pascale Bos | 5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. | Seuss Room, Geisel Library
Febraury 18, 2025: (In-Person) From Feminist Science Studies to Native-Led Science for Land and Life | 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. | Marshall College Room, Price Center
February 20, 2025: (In-Person) Film Screening and Discussion: We Were Here: The Untold History of Black Africans in Renaissance Europe | 5 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. | Mosaic 113
February 21, 2025: (Virtual) Annual Japanese Studies Alumni Perspectives | 3 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. | Zoom
February 24, 2025: (In-Person) Black Feminist Playwriting Salon Series | 11 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. | Galbraith Hall 247
February 25, 2025: (In-Person) Annual Vassiliadis Lecture: From Petition and Response to Lobbying: Letters as a way of Influencing Official Decisions in Late Antiquity | 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. | Atkinson Pavilion, Faculty Club
February 26, 2025: (In-Person) CLS x RRC Community Hour | 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. | Raza Resouce Centro
Febraury 27, 2025: (In-Person) An Ocean of Wonder:The Fantastic in the Pacific | 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. | Comunidad Room, Cross Cultural Center
February 28, 2025: (Virtual) Japanese Studies Presents: Japanese Rickshaw Driver Taikai Sato | 3 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. | Zoom
March 6, 2025: (Virtual) In Hitler's Munich: Jews, the Revolution and the Rise of Nazism featuring Michael Brenner | 5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. | Zoom
March 6, 2025: (In-Person) Film Screening of Coup 53 and Conversation with Director Taghi Amirani | 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. | The Great Hall
March 6, 2025: (In-Person) Theater of War: Hector, Andromache, and the Death of Astyanax | 7 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. | Mandeville Auditorium
October 9, 2023: (In-Person) Conditional Belonging: The Racialization of Iranians in the Wake of Anti-Muslim Politics with Sahar Sadeghi
October 9, 2023: (In-Person) The Golem of La Jolla: a video concert with composer Michael Roth & librettist Allan Havis
October 9, 2023 - January 31, 2023: (In-Person) Mundanity of North Korea
October 10, 2023: (In-Person) Chicanx and Latinx Studies + Latin American Studies + Latinx Cluster Hire Initiative Welcome Back Mixer
October 12, 2023: (Virtual) The Banality of Evil: A Conversation on Theatre and the Holocaust featuring Moises Kaufman in Conversation with Allan Havis
October 13, 2023: (In-Person) Korean Cultural Festival
October 16, 2023: (In-Person) Greece as a Strategic Partner in the Eastern Mediterranean
October 18, 2023: (In-Person) AAPI + APIMEDA Student, Staff, and Faculty Mixer
October 19, 2023: (In-Person) A Celebration of Pinay and Pinxy Books
October 23, 2023: (In-Person) Counter-Hispanization in the Colonial Philippines
October 25, 2023: (In-Person) New Writing Series with Iya Kiva
October 26, 2023: (In-Person) CLS Latinx Heritage Month Graduate Student Platica
October 27, 2023: (In-Person) Empirical Exploration in the Materiality of Housing and Eating Practices
October 31, 2023: (In-Person) UC Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI) Funding Opportunities for Graduate Students and Faculty
November 1, 2023: (In-Person) Celebrate Dia de los Muertos
November 1, 2023: (In-Person) Ancient Greek Voices with Christian A. Thomsen
November 3, 2023: (In-Person) The James K. Binder Lecture in Literature: Rap Music Changed my Life: The Pedagogical Importance of Rap with Amir Issaa
November 8, 2023: (In-Person) Exhibition Opening Reception: Sophie Scholl and the White Rose Student Resistance in Nazi Germany
November 13, 2023: (In-Person) Chinese Studies Calligraphy Workshop
November 14, 2023: (In-Person) Black Faculty & Student Mixer
November 15, 2023: (In-Person) Marcuse and the New Left: From UCSD to Paris in 1968 with Andrew Feenberg
November 16, 2023: (In-Person) In the Midst of Civilized Europe: The Pogroms of 1918-1921 and the Onset of the Holocaust featuring Jeffrey Veidlinger
November 20, 2023: (In-Person) The Last Words in the World: Ukrainians and the War Experience with Ukrainian Historian and Novelist Olena Stiazhkina
November 20, 2023: (Virtual) Magical Realism and Theatrical Resistance: A Conversation on the Community Behind The Promise
November 20, 2023: (Virtual) Writing in a Time of War: A Conversation with Ukrainian Historian and Novelist Olena Stiazhkina
November 20, 2023: (In-Person) The Russians are Coming: Geo-Politics of Ambiguity and Hong Kong Leftists Spy-fi Cinema in the Late Cold Era with Dr. Raymond Tsang
November 29, 2023: (In-Person) Annual Vassiliadis Lecture: Julian and the Third Temple
December 1, 2023: (Virtual) Religion, Race and Multiculturalism in Contemporary Europe
December 5, 2023: (Virtual) Magical Realism and Theatrical Resistance: A Conversation on the Community and Behind The Promise
December 7, 2023: (Hybrid) Cultural Lens on North Korea
January 11, 2024: (In-Person) Day 1: Rethinking the Islamicate: The 50th Anniversary of Marshall Hodgson's The Venture of Islam with Miriam Cooke
January 12, 2024: (In-Person) Day 2: Rethinking the Islamicate: The 50th Anniversary of Marshall Hodgson's The Venture of Islam with Bruce Lawrence
January 12, 2024: (Virtual) Open House on Climate Action and Graduate
January 18, 2024: (In-Person) The Divine Feminine in Nile Valley Societies with Solange Ashby
January 19, 2024: (In-Person) First Calligraphy of the Year
January 24, 2024: (In-Person) Annual Ranglas Lecture: The Blues of Achilles: Homer's Iliad in Song Performance with Joe Goodkin
January 25, 2024 - March 14, 2024: (In-Person) Japanese Book Club | RWAC 0626
February 1, 2024: (In-Person) Book Talk: Public Interest and State Legitimation: Early Modern England, Japan, and China, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023), Cambridge Studies in Historical Society with Wenkai He
February 1, 2024: (In-Person) Gaza: War, History, Hope: An informational teach-in with UCSD and SDSU Faculty
February 2, 2024: (Virtual) Japanese Studies Alumni Perspectives
February 2, 2024 (In-Person) Casa y Comunidad: Latino/a/x Housing in Oregon
February 5, 2024: (In-Person) Queer Messianic Bodies in Modernist Hebrew Theater with Dr. Yair Lipshitz
February 7, 2024: (In-Person) Lunar New Year Celebration
February 14, 2024 (In-Person): Maya and Ladino/a/x Guatemalan Labor Migrations: Intersections between Indigenous and Latinx Material Conditions in Southern California
February 16, 2024: (Virtual): Care and Repair: UCR UC Humanities Graduate Student Virtual Research Conference
February 21, 2024 (In-Person) The Rebellion of Forms in Modern Persian with Farshad Sonboldel
February 22, 2024: (Virtual) "The Qur'an: A Verse Translation" with M.A.R
February 22, 2024: (Virtual) Diversifying the Academy: Negotiating Jobs, Counter Offers, and/or other Professional Opportunities
February 29, 2024: (In-Person) Is Betty Friedan Still Relevant? Revisiting The Feminine Mystique
February 29, 2024: (Virtual) Performance & Place-Making: Collaborative Media Production with Displaced Youth in Iran with Nat Nesvaderani
March 7, 2024: (In-Person) Between Politics and Prejudice: A Teach-in on Islamophobia and Antisemitism
March 7, 2024: (In-Person) Five Thousand Years of Polytheism and Monotheism in Iran: A Debate
March 12, 2024: (In-Person) Forbidden Relations: The Incest Scare in South Korean Dramas and the Crisis of Interrupted Kinship
March 12, 2024: (In-Person) Literature and Religion in Modern Iran Symposium
March 13, 2024: (Virtual) Screening of La Promesa Mam with Director Verónica Sacalxot
March 15, 2024: (In-Person) Water for Life: A Conversation About Environmental Activism at UCSD
March 19, 2024: (In-Person) Living Otherwise: Perspectives on Time, Space, and Sense-Making from Okinawa Artist Talk and Opening Reception
March 21, 2024: (Hybrid) Living Otherwise: Perspectives on Time, Space, and Sense-Making from Okinawa Artist Talk
March 24, 2024: (In-Person) 25th San Diego Japanese Speech Contest
April 4, 2024: (In-Person) UCSD JSAxNST Matsuri
April 6, 2024: (In-Person) Film Screening of "Rally" with filmmaker Rooth Tang
April 18-21, 2024: (In-Person) The Art of the Benshi
April 23, 2024: (In-Person) Manichaeism: A Neglected World Religion of Salvation in relation to Christianity, Zoroastrianism and Islam
April 25, 2024: (In-Person) On Travel, Prayer, and the Politics of Homeland in the Western Indian Ocean
May 1, 2024: (Virtual) UCHRI Care & Repair: How to Write a Strategy Book
May 3, 2024: (In-Person) Japanese Shamisen by Mike Penny
May 9, 2024: (In-Person) Join Jewish Studies in Celebrating Professor Lisa-Lampert-Weissig's new book Instrument of Memory: Encounters with the Wandering Jew
May 9, 2024: (In-Person) Victoria Chang: Poetry Reading and Q&A
May 10, 2024: (Virtual) Presentations by Joseph Naiman Graduate Fellows
May 15, 2024: (In-Person) Identities in Refuge: Erasure, Assimilation, Resistance | 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. | Seuss Room, Geisel Library
May 16, 2024: (In-Person) Resisting Prison Industrial Warfare: An Afternoon with Jalil Muntaqim and Stephanie Jeffcoat
May 16, 2024: (Virtual) Gray Zones: Collaborating with the Nazis featuring Laura Jockusch
May 17, 2024: (In-Person) Film Screening of Paradise with Producer Todd A. Henry and Director Minki Hong
May 23, 2024: (In-Person) Newtok: The Water is Rising
May 20, 2024: (In-Person) Third Worlds Within: Multiethnic Movements and Transnational Solidarity
May 22, 2024: (In-Person) Classicism and Other Phobias with Professor Dan-el Padilla Peralta
May 23, 2024: (In-Person) Scholar-Activism, from DREAM Act and BLM to Justice for Palestine Workshop
May 23, 2024: (In-Person) The Annual Katzin Lecture: 10+1 Lessons on the Troubled Jewish Lineage of the Documentary: A Tribute
May 28, 2024: (In-Person) commUNITY Party: Bridging Culture & Academics
May 30, 2024: (In-Person) AAPI Studies Program and APIMEDA Programs and Services Spring Mixer and AAPI Studies Minor Graduation Celebration
June 6, 2024: (In-Person) Chinatowns Around the World
June 6, 2024: (In-Person) Wild Burning Rage and Song
Every Wednesday: (In-Person) Connection Jam
Every Thursday: (In-Person) Japanese Book Club
October 13, 2022: (In-Person) Film Screening of "Chosen" with Director Joseph Juhn
October 13, 2022: (In-Person) Latinx Heritage Month 2022 STEM Plática Series Day 1
October 14, 2022: (In-Person) Latinx Heritage Month 2022 STEM Plática Series Day 2
October 14, 2022: (In-Person) Black Diaspora African American Studies Major Launch
October 18, 2022: (In-Person) "Too Fine for Our Purpose": The Trouble with Persianate Translation Assistants with Dr. Fatima Burney
October 20, 2022: (In-Person) Jewish Magic and Jewish History in Antiquity with Dr. Avigail Manekin
October 27, 2022: (Virtual) "Media Care" Talk Series - Care, Crisis, Cure: Sleep Must Be Protected with Jean Ma
November 1, 2022: (In-Person) Celebrate Dis de los Muertos
November 7, 2022: (Virtual) Telling Your Research Story Through Comics with Felicia Lopez, Carolyn Jennings, Jordan Collver, and Pino Cao
November 10, 2022: (In-Person & Live Stream) Truth-Telling Under Siege: The Perils of Journalists in Palestine and Mexico | 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.
November 14, 2022: (In-Person) Chinese Studies Calligraphy Workshop
November 14, 2022: (In-Person & Virtual) New Writing Series with Volodya Rafeyenko
November 16, 2022: (In-Person) Rendering the Body in Pain: Pathography in Late Ancient Letters
November 29, 2022: (Virtual) A Meeting About Mass Murder: Making Sense of the Wannsee Conference
November 30, 2022: (Virtual) Career Pathways for Humanities Graduate Students with Katina L. Rogers
December 1, 2022: (In-Person) "And he had prepared for him a great chamber..." (Nehemiah 13,5) Jerusalem's elite during the 7th century BCE in light of archaeological research with Visiting Professor Yuval Gadot
December 5, 2022: (Virtual) 10th Annual Vassiliadis Lecture
January 10, 2023: (Virtual) Yiddish and the American Klezmer Revival: A Conversation with Lorin Sklamberg
January 17, 2023: (Virtual) Grants Session with UCHRI
January 23, 2023: (In-Person) Lunar New Year Celebration
January 25, 2023: (In-Person) The Serena Project: Femal Agency in the Writing of Biographgy with Cristiana Sogno
January 26, 2023: (Virtual) Environmental and Climate Justice in Southeast Asia
February 1, 2023: (In-Person) OASIS: Studying Social Justice
February 1, 2023: (In-Person) The Role of the Praefectus Annonae in the 4th Century: Working in the Shadows with Maria LuBello
February 2, 2023: (Virtual) Media Care Talk Series: The Data Pharmacy with Associate Professor Joshua Neves
February 6, 2023: (In-Person) "Mine from '31, yours to '41": Poetic Reinventions from Contemporary Ukraine": Installation of Amelia Glaser as Chair in Judaic Studies
Febuary 8, 2023: (In-Person) Black Italy in Film
February 13, 2023: (Virtual) National Endowment for the Humanities Funders Roundtable
February 16, 2023: (In-Person) A Conversation with Eric Stanley on Atomospheres of Violence
February 16, 2023: (In-Person) UC Humanities Research Institute Refuge at Risk
February 16, 2023: (In-Person) African American Travelers Encounter Greece, ca. 1850-1900 with John W.I. Lee
February 17, 2023: (In-Person) Where are the Indigenous Scholars in Indian Academy?
February 17, 2023: (In-Person) The Birth of a (Korean) Nation (in Mexico): Cacophonous Intimacies and Transpacific Entanglements in Kim Young-ha's Black Flower with Junyoung Veronica Kim
February 23, 2023: (In-Person) Resisting the Prison Industrial Complex with Sekou Odinga and Curtis Howard
February 27, 2023: (Virtual) Media Care Talk Series: The Far Voice with Assistant Professor Hannah Zeavin
February 28, 2023: (In-Person) The Suppliants Project
March 1, 2023: (Virtual) UC Humanities Research Institute Refuge in Words: Refugees, Refuge & Human Displacement
March 3, 2023: (Virtual) Meet the Editors: A Guide to Submitting and Publishing Your Academic Book
March 3, 2023: (Virtual) Japanese Studies Alumni Perspectives
March 6, 2023: (In-Person) Transpacific Epistemologies, Settler Colonialism, and Image
March 7, 2023: (In-Person) Film Screening with Soni Kum: Morning Dew: The Stigma of Being "Brainwashed"
March 7, 2023: (In-Person) Outrageous Comparisons in Modern History and Contemporary Politics
March 9, 2023: (Virtual) The Monotheological Identity Paradigm and a Politics of Compassion? with Samuel Weber
March 13, 2023: (Virtual) The Emerging Shape of Digital Religion with Heidi A. Campbell
March 14, 2023: (Virtual) Cyber Islam and the Reconstruction of Modern Muslim Identities with Sahar Mohamed Khamisa
March 14, 2023: (Virtual) Media Care Series: When Does Care Become Cruel? Rethinking Care with Animals in 3 Scenes
March 14, 2023: (In-Person) Sex, Manumission, and Emotions in Ancient Greece: A Case Study from Hellenic Delphi with Professor Deborah Kamen
March 15, 2023: (Virtual) Paradoxes and Dilemmas of the Chilean Political Process: From Social Revolt to the Failed Constitutional Reform
April 4, 2023: (In Person) Imminent Communities: Liberal Cosmopolitanism and Empire in Transpacific Literature with Spencer Tricker
April 11, 2023: (In Person) Nuclear Family author Jospeh Han
April 12, 2023: (In-Person) Making Peace with Nature Book Talk with Elena Kim
April 13, 2023: (In-Person) Unidos por una causa y por nuestra comunidad: Latinx Alumni Stories
April 18, 2023: (In-Person) OASIS Spill the Tea with Faculty
April 20, 2023: (Virtual) Cinema Resistance: Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism in Iran's Revolutionary Alternatives Cinema with Goldbarg Rekabtalaei
April 20, 2023: (In-Person) How the US Failed Syrians
April 21, 2023: (Virtual) Confronting the "Ends" of Area: Towards an "Undisciplined" Transpacific with Andrea Mendoza
April 25, 2023: (Virtual) Rakugo by Shinohara Tatekawa
April 26, 2023: (In-Person) Section 504's 46th Birthday Party
April 26, 2023: (In-Person) Faculty Roundtable with UC San Diego Professors Dr. Kelema Lee Moses and Dr. Matilde Córdoba Azcárate
April 27, 2023: (Virtual) Media Care Series: Ways to Care: Documentary Hard and Soft with Ying Qian and Géraldine Fiss
May 1, 2023: (In-Person) Film Screening of Memory and Q&A with Director and Writer Alexandre O. Philippe
May 4, 2023: (In-Person) Annual Katzin Lecture: Beyond the Land: Diaspora Israeli Culture in the 21st Century with Melissa Weininger
May 11, 2023: (Virtual) The Longest Revolution: A Memoir of Solidarity and Struggle in Iran with Ali Mirsepassi
May 11, 2023: (In-Person) War and Literature in Today's Ukraine: A Conversation wih Novelist Andrey Kurkov
May 15, 2023: (In-Person) Film Screening of Leap of Faith and Q&A with Director and Writer Alexandre O. Philippe
May 16, 2023: (In-Person) Annual Ranglas Lecture: "Doing whatever she wants, and going wherever she pleases"; Women's Agency in the Delphic Manumission Inscriptions with Sara Forsdyke
May 18, 2023: (Virtual) Light of the Aryan's: Racial Identity Among Iranian-Americans with Sahar Razavi | 9:30 a.m. - 11 a.m. | Mandeville, Room 150
May 18, 2023: (Virtual) Media Care Series: The Blood Files: The Politics of Epidemic Media with Bishnupriya Ghosh
May 24, 2023: (In-Person) Piglets in the Underworld: A Puppet Show Lecture with Mike Chin | 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.
May 24-26th: (In-Person) Raza Research Symposium | 12 p.m. - 2 p.m.
June 5, 2023: (In-Person) AAPI Studies Mixer and Grad Celebration | 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.
June 6, 2023: (In-Person) End of the Year Event for Chicanx and Latinx Studies, Latin American Studies and Latinx Cluster Hire Initiative | 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
June 9, 2023: (In-Person) Japanese Studies End of the Year Celebration | 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
September 24, 2021: Lectures on "Decline" - The Radical Democracy: "Decline and Fall" with Stefania De Vido
October 4, 2021: Science Studies Colloquium - Reorganizing Organizing: How Data Collection Centralizes Knowledge and Decision-Making in Worker Advocacy Organizations with Vera Khovanskaya
October 11, 2021: Lectures on "Decline" - Comitia in the Early Imperial Rome and in the Cities of the Roman Empire: An Impossible Decline with Frédéric Hurlet
October 13, 2021: Holocaust Living History Workshop - "Franci's War" with Helen Epstein
October 14, 2021: Ocean Prototype Nights: Reclaiming Native Waterways, from the Kumeyaay Coast to Lake Cahuilla
October 17, 2021: A Conversation with Shtisel Creator, Ori Elon
October 18, 2021: Food Justice and Community Health with The Kitchenistas of National City featuring Mayor Alejandra Sotelo-Solis, Aureny Aranda, Patty Corona, and Sabrina Falquier Montgrain, MD
October 20, 2021: (UC San Diego Affiliates Only) Ori Elon, creator of Shtisel, visits Professor Alana Shuster's Hebrew Course (In Hebrew)
October 25, 2021: Why the Decline and Fall of Rome Still Matters Today - A Conversation with Ed Watts on his new book, The Eternal Decline and Fall of Rome (Oxford University Press, 2021)
October 26, 2021: UCHRI Presents, Student Loan Debt and the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program - A Webinar for the University of California Community
October 26, 2021: (UC San Diego Affiliates Only) Ori Elon, creator of Shtisel, visits Professor Akos Rona-Tas's Sociology Course, "Films and Society"
October 28 - November 6, 2021: 22nd Annual San Diego Asian Film Festival
October 29, 2021: Lectures on "Decline" - Post-Romans: Christian Historiography After Roman Hegemony with Felege-Selam Solomon Yirga
November 1, 2021: UC San Diego Affiliates Only - Celebrate Dia de los Muertos with Chicanx and Latinx Studies and Latin American Studies with support from Raza Resource Centro
November 4, 2021: UC San Diego Affiliates Only - Joint Staff, Faculty, & Student Mixer with APIMEDA and Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies
November 8, 2021: "O Beastly Jew!" Jews, Animals, and Jewish Animals in the Middle Ages with David Shyovitz
November 10, 2021: Holocaust Living History Workshop - Drawing through Trama: Holocaust Memory and Graphic Novels with Miriam Katin
November 12, 2021: (UC San Diego Affiliates Only) Black Lives Matter in Italy and the Legacy of Colonialism - A Talk with Filmmaker-Activist Fred Kudjo Kuwornu
November 19, 2021: Lectures on "Decline - Ancient and Modern (Hi)Stories of Disaster: Writing the Fall of Rome with Cam Grey
November 19, 2021: We Didn't Cross the Border, the Border Crossed Us, Twice - Virtual Lecture by Yong Soon Min
December 1, 2021: A Revolution in Rhyme: Poetic Co-option Under the Islamic Republic with Fatemeh Shams
December 9, 2021: Black Horror Salon - A Literary Conversation
January 7, 2022: (Virtual) Lectures on "Decline" - Final Readings: "Renewal Without Decline: The Rhetoric and Reality of Hadrian's Roman Restoration" by Edward Watts and "Sixth Century Visions of the Roman Past: The Case of Cassiodorus" by Giovanni A. Cecconi
January 10, 2022: (Virtual) Edmond Fleg and Jewish Minority Culture in Twentieth-Century France with Sally Charnow
January 19, 2022: (Virtual) Antimilitarism in the Pacific Islands with Vernadette Gonzalez, Sam Ikehara, Sungeun Grace Kim, LisaLinda Natividad, and Hideki Yoshikawa
January 19, 2022: (Virtual) Holocaust Living History Workshop - A Child in Birkenau with George and Stephanie Heimler
January 20, 2022: (Virtual) Beyond the Campus/Community Split - A Conversation on Effective Partnerships with Khalid Alexander, Anchi Mei, Yusef Omowale, and Christine Tran
January 21, 2022: (Virtual) Demystifying Book Publishing for First-Gen Scholars - Sponsored by UC Press and the UC Collaborative of Humanities Centers and Institutes
January 21, 2022: (Virtual) Citizen Not Barbarian with Kyungmi Shin
January 27, 2022: (Virtual) Work in Progress Showcase - "Magic, Word Vectors, and Other Strange Things: New Approaches to Ancient Greek Lexicography" with Professor Jacobo Myerston Santana
January 27, 2022: (Virtual) Through the Lens: Israel's Success in Television! with MGSDII Visiting Professor and Creator Ronit Weiss-Berowitz and Amos Tamam
February 2, 2022: (Virtual) Work in Progress Showcase - "Excess, Defect, and Balance in Ancient Medicine and Ethics" with Professor Monte Johnson
February 3, 2022: (Virtual) Israel's English-Language Media and its Jewish-American Readers with MGSDII Visiting Professor Gilad Halpern
February 3, 2022: (Virtual) Iran in Motion - Mobility, Space, and the Trans-Iranian Railway with Mikiya Koyagi
February 4, 2022: (Virtual) Encounter, Religion, and the Early Modern European Global Expansion
February 4, 2022: (Virtual) Chinese Studies Program Celebrates Lunar New Year 2022
February 8, 2022: (Virtual) Elective Affinities Between Sandinismo (as socialist idea) and Liberation Theology in the Nicaraguan Revolution with Jean-Pierre (J.P.) Reed
February 9, 2022: (Virtual) GROW - Generating and Reclaiming Our Wisdoms: A Collection of AAPI Community Stories at UC San Diego
February 10, 2022: (Virtual) Dialectical Conversations: Muslim Youth in the West and the Production of Vernacular Islamic Theology with Ingvild Flaskerud
February 11, 2022: (Virtual) Japanese Studies Alumni Perspectives
February 11-12, 2022: (Virtual) Challenging the "Normal" in Cold War South Korea and Japan
February 15, 2022: [Updated Time] (Virtual) Antisemitism and Islamophobia: An Entangled History with Reza Zia-Ebrahimi
February 17, 2022: (Virtual) Photography of Moharram Rituals Inside the Golestan Palace (1860s-1900s) with Pedram Khosronejad
February 17, 2022: (Virtual) Yolanda López: A Studio of One’s Own - A Panel in Celebration of a UCSD MFA Alumx
February 18, 2022: (Virtual) North Korean Microdistrict, As a Sustainable Strategy of Urban Living with Dongwoo Yim
February 19, 2022: (Hybrid) Yiddishland California - Sklamberg Lurje Judelman Trio: Yiddish Songs of Resilience
February 23, 2022: (Virtual) Beefin' with the Bard with Letty García
February 23, 2022: (Virtual) Memory: Ridley Scott's Alien and Mythology with Alexandre O. Philippe
February 28, 2022: (Virtual) Work in Progress Showcase - "Towards a More Comprehensive History of the Ancient Mediterranean" with Professor Denise Demetriou
February 28, 2022: (Virtual) The Dis/Appearance of Mei and Fusako Shigenobu: A Dialogue with Mei Shigenobu About 27 Years Without Images
March 1, 2022: (In Person) Shadowless Being with Michael Taussig (PDF)
March 2, 2022: (Virtual) Holocaust Living History Workshop - The Moral Triangle: Germans, Israelis, Palestinians
March 3, 2022: (Virtual) The World Turned Upside Down - Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies for the 21st Century with Andrew Newman
March 8, 2022: (Hybrid) Black German Women and Intellectual Activism with Tiffany Florvil
March 10, 2022: (Virtual) Imam Husayn in 21st Century Iran: Ahmad Qabel's Depoliticised Interpretation with Lloyd Ridgeon
March 10, 2022: (Virtual) War in Ukraine - Perspectives and Comments from UC San Diego Experts
March 10, 2022: (Hybrid) Sharing New Research in SE Asian Studies
April 1, 2022: (Virtual) Before the War I was a Poet
April 6, 2022: (Hybrid) Holocaust Living History Workshop - Hugo Marcus: A Muslim Jew Under the Swastika with Marc David Baer
April 7, 2022: (Virtual) Atmosphere, Smell, and the Politics of Utopia: From Lucian and Nietzsche to Kateb and Illich with Babette Babich
April 7, 2022: (Hybrid) The Vibrant Being: Luis Valdez in conversation with Dr. Jorge Huerta
April 12, 2022: (Virtual) Work in Progress Showcase - Navigating the Philosopher/Priest Divide After Black Athena with Professor Edward Kelting
April 15, 2022: (Virtual) Reparation, Method, and Citational Debts: On the Indispensability of Black Feminist and Queer Studies Approaches for Research on Premodern Japanese Slavery and Performance with Reginald Jackson
April 19, 2022: (Virtual) Future, Expansion Futurism, and Retro-futurism with Franco "bifo" Berardi
April 21, 2022: (Virtual) More than Mourners: Women and the Shaping of the Iranian Ta 'ziyeh with Eleanor Lucy Deacon
April 22, 2022: (Virtual) Japanese Voice Actor Talk Event
April 25, 2022: (In-Person) The Revenge of the Real: Politics for a Post-pandemic World - Benjamin Bratton in conversation with Adam Greenfield and Babak Rahimi
April 26, 2022: (Virtual) Urban Futurism with Adam Greenfield
April 27, 2022: (Virtual) Thoughts on the Intersections of Embodiment, Theology, and Anthropology with Charles Hirschkind
April 27, 2022: (Virtual) Ice-Geographies: Race, Indigeneity, and Coloniality with Jen Rose Smith
April 28, 2022: (Virtual) Arab 'Science Fiction' and Problematizing Genre
April 28, 2022: (Virtual) Annual Vassiliadis Lecture - Breaking the Apocalyptic Frame: Constantinian Propoganda and the Longue Durée with Elizabeth DePalma Digeser
April 29, 2022: (Virtual) Memory, Grief, and Agency: A Political Theological Account of Wrongs and Rites with Dr. Sunder John Boopalan
April 29, 2022: (Virtual) Annual Ranglas Lecture - Pluriversal History: Toward a "Many Worlds" Vision of the Past with Greg Anderson
May 3, 2022: (In-Person) What We Are to Make of Creative Digital Youth with Josef Nguyen
May 4, 2022: (Virtual) Holocaust Living History Workshop - The Labyrinth: The Testimony of Marian Kolodziej Screening and Discussion
May 5, 2022: (Virtual) The Ants and the Grasshopper Film Screening and Discussion with Raj Patel
May 9, 2022: (Virtual) Global Freedom Struggles from Kashmir to Palestine with May Shigenobu, Huma Dar, and Taher Herzallah
May 17, 2022: (In-Person) Annual Katzin Lecture: The Unexpected Career of Esther Moyal: Sephardic Feminist in the Early 20th Century
May 19, 2022: (Virtual) "Deathand Laughter in the Age of Duterte: A book talk on The Sovereign Trickster" with Vicente Rafael
May 25, 2022: (In-Person) Holocaust Living History Workshop - Holocaust Landscapes: The Spatiality of Death and Survival with Tim Cole
August 31 - September 1, 2020: Crimea Conference 2020 - "Crimea in the Jewish Imagination: A Geography on the Outside"
September 1, 2020: African American Studies, Chicanx and Latinx Studies, Critical Gender Studies and Ethnic Studies presents Social Justice and You, a discussion on current social justice issues disproportionately affecting communities of color
September 17, 2020: Launch of the Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies Minor & the Future of the API Experience at UC San Diego
October 8, 2020: How to Read in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire with Nir Shafir
October 12, 2020: Exploring the Origins of the Jews: A Conversation in Memory of David Goodblatt with Steven Weitzman and Mira Balberg
October 14, 2020: Holocaust Living History Workshop - All in the Family: Jonas Noreika and the Quest for Truth about the Holocaust in Lithuania with Silvia Foti and Grant Gochin
October 14, 2020: China’s Long Road from Revolution to Reform with Odd Arne Westad
October 16, 2020: What Does an Abolitionist Asian American Politics Look Like? with DJ Kuttin Kandi, Phal Sok, and Rachel Kuo, moderated by K. Wayne Yang
October 21, 2020: The Task of the Artist in the Time of Monsters with Rev. Sekou
October 25, 2020: AAPI Film Screening Event: Down a Dark Stairwell (2020 San Diego Asian Film Festival)
October 26, 2020: "Meet and Greet" with Emerging Israeli Filmmakers, Guy Hodes and Tomer Shushan
October 27, 2020: Every Thing Remains - Film Screening and Conversation with Choreographer Ephrat Asherie and Director Moncell Durden
October 28, 2020: "Incitement" Film Screening & Filmmaker Discussion with Yaron Zilberman and Yoram Peri
October 28, 2020: Young Voters and Coming Transformation of American Politics with David Faris
November 2, 2020: From Generation to Generation with Angela Davis and Salih Muhammad
November 5, 2020: Kristallnacht on Film: From Reportage to Reenactments, 1938-1988 with Lawrence Baron
November 5, 2020: Check Your Body at the Door - Film Screening and Conversation with Choreographer Ephrat Asherie and Dancer Archie Burnett
November 6, 2020: Let's Talk About Anti-Blackness: A Launch Event for the South Asian Studies Minor and Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies Program
November 10, 2020: Citizens of the Whole World: Anti-Zionism and the Cultures of the mid-century Jewish-American Radical Left with Benjamin Balthaser
November 11, 2020: ¡Presente!: The Politics of Presence with Diana Taylor
November 11, 2020: Jisr az-Zarqa and the Technion: Bringing Technological Capital to the Community with Mor Shilon
November 12, 2020: ArtTalk with Ephrat Asherie
November 17, 2020: Violence and Repair with Judith Butler
November 17, 2020: Adapting History with Dahlak Brathwaite
November 16 - 18, 2020: Imagining with Irene - Symposium to Celebrate and Elevate the Work of María Irene Fornés
November 19, 2020: Underscored (work in progress): Sneek Peek of Ephrat Asherie's Newest Work
November 20, 2020: Chileyem - An Experimental Mapuche Film Program
November 30, 2020: Family Papers: A Sephardic Journey Through the Twentieth Century with Sarah Abrevaya Stein, in conversation with Andrew Deverux and Erin Graff Zivin
November 30, 2020: Acts of Protection with Cameron Grimm
December 3, 2020: Exclusive San Diego Virtual Screening and Talk with the Filmmaker of "Children of the Sun"
December 4, 2020: Mediterranean Frames of Settler Colonialism: Agriculture and Race in French Algeria with Muriam Haleh Davis
December 9, 2020: Clash of Empires: From “Chimerica” to the “New Cold War” with Ho-fung Hung
January 11, 2021: Science Studies Colloquium - Neurotechnologies and Agency: Ethical Issues in Engineering the Brain with Sara Goering
January 11, 2021: Women and God Book Talk with Philip Graubart in conversation with Amelia Glaser
January 19, 2021: Just Environments: Pacific Worlds Reading Group and PhotoVoice
January 21, 2021: Possessing Polynesians: In Conversation with Maile Arvin
January 21, 2021: Holocaust Living History Workshop - Yiddish Glory: The Lost Songs of World War II with Anna Shternshis and Psoy Korolenko
January 22, 2021: UC Symposium - Pacific Worlds: Indigeneity, Blackness and Resistance
January 25, 2021: Science Studies Colloquium - Pushing Cool: Race, Health, and the Science of Making Menthol Cigarette Markets with Keith Wailoo
February 1, 2021: An Expansive Rebellion: Feminism and Social Revolt in Chile with Mia Dragnic and Pierina Ferretti
February 1, 2021: Songs in Dark Times: Yiddish Poetry of Struggle from Scottsboro to Palestine - Amelia Glaser's Book Launch
February 4, 2021: Classics, Creativity and Survival with Sarah Nooter
February 5, 2021: Building Socialism: The Afterlife of German Architecture in Urban Vietnam - Christina Shwenkel's Book Launch
February 8, 2021: Science Studies Colloquium - How to MsUnderstand Media: A Message from the Broken Machine with Sarah Sharma
February 8, 2021: Gendered Violence and Financialization of Social Reproduction: A Feminist Perspective on Debt with Lucia Cavallero
February 11, 2021: Music for the Dead and Resurrected - A Poetry Reading and Discussion with Valzhyna Mort
February 15, 2021: The Last Million - Europe's Displaced Persons from World War to Cold War Book Talk with David Nasaw
February 16, 2021: From A(shura) to Z(oroaster) - European Depictions of Religious Rituals in Safavid Iran with Elio Brancaforte
February 17, 2021: Holocaust Living History Workshop - Sexual Barter in Times of Genocide: Reflections on Sexual Violence, Agency, and Sex Work with Anna Hajkova
February 18, 2021: Negotiating Class and Gender in Classics and in the Real World with Edith Hall
February 18, 2021: Vladimir Vysotsky in English: A Concert and Discussion with Vadim Astrakhan
February 19, 2021: Winter 2021 Japanese Studies Virtual Alumni Event
February 19-20, 2021: Queering the Straits: Unruly Subjects Across Modern Korean and Japanese Studies Virtual Workshop Series: "Remembering the ‘Modern Boy’: Gender, Empire, and Nostalgia"
February 23, 2021: Theater in the Global South: Survival as an Artist in Iran with Nasser Rahmaninejad
February 25, 2021: The Legacy of Patsy Takemoto Mink, the First Woman of Color Elected to the U.S. Congress - A Conversation with Judy Tzu-Chun Wu and Gwendolyn Mink
February 26, 2021: Truth and the Power of Naming in Machine Learning Datasets - A Foucaultian Analysis with Razvan Amironesei
March 5, 2021: Imperatives of Care: Women and Medicine in Colonial Korea with Sonja M. Kim
March 5, 2021: Japanese Studies Pronunciation Seminar with Oikawa-sensei
March 8, 2021: Science Studies Colloquium - The Urgency of Native American Health Activism: Histories of Structural Racism, Systemic Inequality, and Survival in the Indian Health Service with Maria John
March 8, 2021: Annual Katzin Lecture - Blind Justice: The Jewish Fight Against Antisemitism in Postwar America with James Loeffler
March 11, 2021: A Wave of Difference - Language Expression in the Argentine Feminist Imaginary with Nicolas Cuello
March 26 - 27, 2021: Andrew W. Mellon Sawyer Seminar - Imagining Latinidades: Articulations of National Belonging
April 1, 2021: (Post) COVID Methods: Thinking Innovatively About Transoceanic Studies
April 8, 2021: Science Studies Colloquium - Lecture: Rethinking Toxicity Towards Building More Environmentally Just Worlds with Michelle Murphy
April 9, 2021: Science Studies Colloquium - Workshop: Built Worlds and Matters of Governing
April 10-11, 2021: CaliMENA 3 Workshop
April 14, 2021: Indigenous Environmental Justice Series - Indigenous Perspectives on Environmental Justice and a Just Transition with Angela Mooney D’Arcy
April 14, 2021: Holocaust Living History Workshop - "The Last Stage" by Wanda Jakubowska (1948): A Film Screening with an Introduction and Discussion by J. Marek Haltof
April 16, 2021: Lectures on "Decline" - Peace versus War: Athens and the Decline of Imperialistic Strategy during the second half of the 4th century BCE with Aldaberto Magnelli
April 19, 2021: Science Studies Colloquium - An (Un)Natural History: Tracing the Magical Rhinoceros Horn in Egypt with Taylor Moore
April 20, 2021: Secularism versus Religion in Iran: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam as Sedition with Juan Cole
April 20, 2021: UC Humanities Consortium - Patriotism and Indigeneity with Clifford Trafzer, UC Riverside Professor of History
April 21, 2021: Penelope’s Odyssey, Sappho’s Tale: Studying Women’s Songs from Ancient to Modern Greece with Andromache Karanika
April 22, 2021: Responding to Anti-Asian Violence - A Conversation with Community Organizers in San Diego
April 23, 2021: One Left Book Talk with Kim Soom
April 23, 2021: Indigenous Environmental Justice Series - Warrior Women: Film Screening and Interview with Madonna Thunder Hawk
April 23, 2021: Japanese Studies Pronunciation Seminar with Oikawa-sensei
April 26, 2021: When Near Becomes Far: Old Age in Rabbinic Literature by Mira Balberg and Haim Weiss - Book Launch Event
April 27, 2021: Empires, European Colonialism, and Modern Social Theory with Gurminder K. Bhambra
April 27, 2021: UC Humanities Consortium - Patriotism, Democracy and Extremism with John Medearis, UC Riverside Professor of Political Science
April 29, 2021: Decay, Death and Life: The Quest for Assemblages in the Environmental History of Modern Korea with Albert Park
April 29 - May 1, 2021: The Sea: Mobility, Ingenuity and Ecology in the Early Modern World
April 30, 2021: Lectures on "Decline" - Decline or Peak? Old Age in Late Ancient Jewish Literature with Mira Balberg
April 30, 2021: Participation as Community-Making: Body Techniques in Barcelona’s Democratic City Planning with Mariel Gruszko
April 30, 2021: Ocean Passages: Navigating Pacific Islander and Asian American Literatures - Erin Suzuki Book Release Party
April 30 - May 1, 2021: Queering the Straits: Unruly Subjects Across Modern Korean and Japanese Studies Virtual Workshop Series - "Cross-Strait Cultures: Performance, Media, and History"
May 3, 2021: Science Studies Colloquium - From Black Inventors to Afro Futureneering with Rayvon Fouché
May 4, 2021: Patriotism, Black Lives Matter and Protest with Paulette Brown-Hinds, Publisher of Black Voice News and founder of Voice Media Ventures
May 5, 2021: Hegeso and Me with Page duBois
May 5, 2021: Urban Studies and Planning Colloquium Series - Reoccupying Design with David Fortin
May 5, 2021: Holocaust Living History Workshop - Film as Witness to the Holocaust: A Victims' Perspective with Leora Bilsky
May 5, 2021: From Sea to Sky - Early Modern Horizons
May 6, 2021: Living Democracy Talk - What We Can Do For Each Other
May 7, 2021: Demystifying the Journal Publishing Process
May 11, 2021: Ruin and Renewal: Civilizing Europe after World War II - Paul Betts in conversation with Frank Biess
May 11, 2021: Project Yellow Dress #ChildofRefugees Workshop with Julia Ha
May 11, 2021: Reclaiming Patriotism in an Age of Extremes - Book Talk with Steven B. Smith, Alfred Cowles Professor of Political Science and Professor of Philosophy at Yale University
May 12, 2021: The Latest Archaeological Excavations in Jerusalem – Digging in a Glass House
May 12, 2021: On Photographic Monumentalism: 19th-Century Representations of Architectural and Historical Sites with Ali Behdad
May 13, 2021: AAPI Student-Faculty Mixer - Mingle and Be in Community Outside the Classroom, but Still on Zoom
May 14, 2021: Lectures on "Decline" - The "Widening" of the Ancient World: the "New" Eastern Boundary of the Inhabited World After the Expedition of Alexander the Great with Veronica Bucciantini
May 17, 2021: Science Studies Colloquium - Fueling Mexico: Energy and Environment, 1850-1950 with Germán Vergara
May 18, 2021: Videographic Criticism - Documentary Ethics, Reproductive Sequels, and Televisual Excess
May 18, 2021: A Russian Novelist on the Tradition of the Russian Novel with Andrei Kurkov
May 19, 2021: Baraka Bodies: Thinking with and Through Devotional Image-Objects in Everyday Shiʿism in South Asia with Karen Ruffle
May 21, 2021: Schools, Prisons, Abolition: Youth of Color Organizing in Southern California with Maggie Quan, Vanessa Na, Tavae Samuelu and Phal Sok
May 24, 2021: Science Studies Colloquium - Digital Sousveillance: Re-situating Technologies of Control and Surveillance for Organizational Transparency and Accountability with Colin Burke
May 28, 2021: A Conversation About the Movements for Asian American Studies at UC San Diego with Jim Lin and Simeon Man
May 28, 2021: Women in Cooperative Agricultural Production and Consumption: The Case of Rio de Janeiro’s Rede Ecológica with Ana Paula da Cruz Santos and Rodica Weitzman
June 1 - 2, 2021: Exile Dreams and Anti-Fascist Cinema Workshop and Screening
June 2, 2021: Holocaust Living History Workshop - Mengele: Unmasking the “Angel of Death” with David Marwell
June 3, 2021: A Conversation with Fardin Saheb-Zamani
June 4, 2021: Lectures on "Decline" - The Writing is on the (Ruined) Wall: Egypt as a Fallen Empire in Tacitus' Annales
June 7, 2021: Jewish Studies Program Community Council Meeting - Magic in Mame-Loshn: Translating Harry Potter into Yiddish with Arun Viswanath in conversation with Seth Lerer and Amelia Glaser
October 11, 2019: UC Humanities Research Institute Funding Opportunities Workshop with Shana Melnysyn.
October 14, 2019: Reading Boredom: Pliny the Younger, Praise and Competition in the Panegyrici Latini with Marco Formisano.
October 17, 2019: Dispatches from the Border Zone: Geometries of State Transformation in the China-Southeast Asia Border Region and Beyond with Scott Ezell.
October 24, 2019: Film Screening of "Under the Shadow" as part of the Program for the Study of Religion Film Series.
October 24, 2019: Racism in German and American Cinema of the Twenties: From The Ancient Law to The Jazz Singer with Charles Musser.
October 24, 2019: "Compensation": A 20th Anniversary Screening and Black Deaf Representations: A Panel with Filmmaker Zeinabu Davis and actress Michelle Banks.
October 25, 2019: Film Screening of "Minding the Gap" and Discussion About Race, Mental Health, and Community with film subject Keire Johnson and Assistant Professor of Narrative Media in the Department of Visual Arts at UC San Diego, Erica Cho.
October 30, 2019: Cities on the Edge of War: Teaching Greek History Through a Strategy Role-Playing Game with Eric Robinson.
October 30, 2019: History of Science and the Two Cultures Question: A Celebration for Robert Westman.
October 30, 2019: IDEAS: An Ecology of Mind, with Alexandra Neuman.
November 1, 2019: Everywhere and Nowhere: The Curious Case of Furniture in Mao's China with Jennifer Altehenger.
November 4, 2019: Jews, Greeks, and the American Racial Imagination with Devin Naar.
November 6, 2019: How to Write a Graphic Novel with Michael Vann.
November 6, 2019: Defending Democracy from Extremism: The Rise and Apparent Fall of the Greek Golden Dawn with Antonis Ellinas.
November 7, 2019: Legacies of the Chilean Nueva Cancion: Immigration and Hip-Hop Workshop with Rebel Diaz. Performances by Rebel Diaz and Juanito Ayala.
November 12, 2019: Centering the Asian American Voice in Podcasting with Marvin Yueh.
November 12, 2019: The Weight of God with Rae Armantrout.
November 13, 2019: The World in a City: Multiethnic Radicalism in Early Twentieth-Century Los Angeles, Book Talk with David Struthers
November 13, 2019: Conversations about Food with Soleil Ho and Mark Padoongpatt.
November 14, 2019: The Future of the University Art Gallery.
November 14, 2019: Selves Like Us with Susan R. Wolf.
November 18, 2019: Thessaloniki: A Metro-Polis Through the Centuries with Polyxeni Adam-Veleni.
November 18, 2019: Pain Book Reading with Acclaimed Israeli Novelist Zeruya Shalev in Conversation with Professor Seth Lerer.
November 19, 2019: The Importance of Being Wilde at Heart Book Launch with R. Zimora Linmark.
November 19, 2019: Carnival in the Zen Temple: A Bakhtinian Interpretation of Janwillem van de Wetering's Afterzen with Ben Van Overmeire.
November 20, 2019: Israel Archaeology Land and Sea Lightning Sessions with Thomas Levy.
November 21, 2019: Civil War: Race Under Representation with David Lloyd and Ameeth Vijay.
November 25, 2019: The Resilience of a "Non-People": Notes on Phoenician-Punic Identities in the Interconnected Mediterranean with Carolina Lopez-Ruiz.
November 26, 2019: 25 Years of Religions in the Public Sphere: Retrospective and Prospective Reflections (PDF) with Jose Casanova.
November 26, 2019: Shabbiha: Assad's Paramilitaries and Mass Violence in Syria with Uğur Ümit Üngör (PDF).
December 2, 2019: Both Eastern and Western: An Intellectual History of Iranian Modernity with Afshin Matin-Asgari.
December 2, 2019: Suffer the Little Children: Unaccompanied Child Migrants and the Geopolitics of Compassion in Postwar America with Anita Casavantes Bradford.
December 2, 2019: Still Beginning: The 30th Annual Day With(out) Art, A Video Screening in Honor of World AIDS Day.
December 2, 2019: What is Media Manipulation? with Joan Donovan.
December 2, 2019: BSU's Annual 2019 Kwanzaa Event.
December 5, 2019: Behind Secrets and Plots, Truths and Lies in the History of Modern Iran with Yann Richard.
January 14, 2020: Jeronimo: The Untold Tales of Koreans in Cuba Film Screening with director and UC San Diego alumnus Joseph Juhn.
January 15, 2020: Mira Jacob Good Talk: A Memoir in Conversations Reading in Partnership with New Writing Series.
January 17, 2020: Our Tech Our Community: A UX Design Project for Our Digital Commons.
January 22, 2020: Holocaust Living History Workshop: "The Dandelions Call to Me": The Living History of Terezin with Cheryl Rattner, Steven Schindler, Jacqueline Gmach, Yale Strom, Jeff Pekarek, et al.
January 30, 2020: Breaking the Power of Women: Representations of Yuta in Taisho Okinawa with Dr. Tze Loo, Associate Professor of History and Global Studies at the University of Richmond.
January 31, 2020: Fossil Fuel Authoritarianism: Climate Change, Carbon Economics and the Rise of the Far Right.
January 31, 2020: Gender and Power in Okinawa with Dr. Tze Loo, Wendy Matsumura, and Naomi Okamoto.
February 3, 2020: Annual Vassiliadis Lecture: Late Antique Caesarea - A City of Interreligious and Intercultural Encounters with Max Cooper Professor of Jewish Thought at Hebrew University, Dr. Maren Niehoff.
February 6, 2020: Bodies for Science and Nation: Reproduction, Bioeconomy, and Nationalism in South Korea with Yeonbo Jeong, Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Sciences at Sungkonghoe University. Price Center West, Green Table Room, Sun God Lounge, 4 - 6 p.m.
February 6, 2020: Only Among Women: Philosophies of Community in the Russian and Soviet Imagination, 1860-1940 Book Reading with Professor Anne Eakin Moss. D.G. Wills Books, Downtown La Jolla, 7 p.m.
February 7, 2020: Workshop on Women's Suffrage and Empire with Ellen Hartigan-O'Connor, Lisa Materson, Rebecca Jo Plant, and Judy Tzu-Chun Wu.
February 7 - 8, 2020: Cultured Data Symposium: Growing Dialogue Between Data Science and the Arts and Humanities.
February 11, 2020: Fukushima Speaks: A 2018 Documentary by Toshikuni Doi.
February 12, 2020: Urban, Diverse, Invisible: The Paradigm of Social Housing after Welfare State Transformation in Germany with Barbara Schönig.
February 13, 2020: Blood Libel in a Russian Town: The Velizh Affair with Eugene Avrutin, Professor of Modern Jewish history and the Tobor family scholar in the Program of Jewish Culture and Society at the University of Illinois.
February 19, 2020: Holocaust Living History Workshop: Transmitted Wounds: Media and the Mediation of Trauma with Amit Pinchevski.
February 20, 2020: AI at the Edgelands: Data Analytics in States of In/Security with Dr. Lucy Suchman.
February 24-25, 2020: Indigenous Writers and Their Critics: An International Symposium.
February 25, 2020: Two Events with Greta LaFleur. Graduate Student Workshop. Sexual Violence and the State: A Racial History of Legal Castration in North America.
February 25, 2020: Black String Encounters: Improvisational Cultures, Korean & American Collaborations.
February 26, 2020: Annual Ranglas Lecture: Aeschulus' Oresteia and Athenian Politics with Dr. Constance Carroll.
February 26, 2020: New Writing Series with Dmitry Kuzmin.
May 28, 2020: Virtual Teach-In, Detention/Pandemic: The Crisis at the Otay Mesa Detention Center
June 6, 2020: ¡PRESENTE! created by the UCSD Chicanx Teatro Ensemble
June 9, 2020: Holocaust Living History Workshop - Virtual Event: Trauma, Memory, and the Art of Survival with Gabriella Karin
October 1, 2018: From Japan to the U.S.: A Conversation with Padres Advisor and Major League Baseball
October 5, 2018: Breaking Down Babel: Protest Songs from Moscow to Detroit with Psoy Korolenko.
October 5, 2018: Bodies, Books, Histories – Augustine of Hippo on the Extraordinary with Susanna Elm, UC Berkeley.
October 9, 2018: Late Antiquity: “Long and Broad” with Arnaldo Marcone, Roma Tre University.
October 15, 2018: Yearning Towards Carrie Buck with Eli Clare.
October 17, 2018: Plática con CLAH with Director Luis Alvarez.
October 18, 2018: The Power of the Sacred: An Alternative to the Narrative of Disenchantment with Professor Hans Joas, Humboldt University and the University of Chicago.
October 24, 2018: How Women's Experiences Come Alive in a New Digital Archive, New Interpretations of the American Past with Emeritus Professors Kathryn Kish Sklar and Thomas Dublin, Binghamton University.
October 24, 2018: Singing Our Way to Freedom Film Screening and Discussion with Director Paul Espinosa; Estevan Azcona, San Jose State University; and Michelle Tellez, University of Arizona.
October 25, 2018: Rethinking Ethnopoetics and the Legacy of Jerome Rothenberg with multiple guests.
October 29, 2018: In the Transpacific Wake of Iberian Globalization with John D. Blanco, UC San Diego.
November 1, 2018: When Yiddish Was Young: Vilna's Last Generation with Justin Cammy, Smith College.
November 5, 2018: Anti-Racist Horizons: Zapatista Kuxlejal Politics and Indigenous Autonomy with Professor Mariana Mora, Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology.
November 5, 2018: Voices of TransAndean Indigenous Resistance with multiple guests.
November 14, 2018: Beyond the Wall: The Aftermath of Deportation in Mexico with Otros Dreams en Acción.
November 15, 2018: Condemned to Tribalism? Us Versus Them in Contemporary America with Allen Buchanan, Duke University and King's College.
November 19, 2018: Other Russias: Illustrating Contemporary Society with Victoria Lomasko, Moscow State University of Printing Arts.
November 28, 2018: Backpacking Rakugo Trips in the US and Canada with Tozaburo Yanagiya.
December 6 and 7, 2018: "The Lake and The Lake" by Sindhu Thirumalaisamy, MFA Thesis Screening.
January 7, 2019: Dido of Carthage - Reclaiming A Roman Queen with Josephine Crawley Quinn, Associate Professor of Ancient History at Oxford University.
January 10, 2019: A Creative Conversation with
January 10, 2019: Jazz with
January 17, 2019: When Biology Became Destiny: How Historians Interpret Gender in the Holocaust with Marion Kaplan.
January 24, 2019: Vladimir Vysotsky, a Russian Cultural Legend: A Talk by Dmitry Bykov.
January 28, 2019: Dreams in Greek and Roman Religion - Old and New Problems with Dr. Gil Renberg, Lecturer of Classics & Religious Studies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
January 30, 2019: New Faculty Q&A Series with Wilfrido Terrazas, Assistant Professor of Music
January 31, 2019: Mobility, Empire, and the Limits of Citizenship in Cuba with Professor David Sartorius, Assistant Professor of History at the University of Maryland.
February 4, 2019: Vicarious Media: Liveness, Serial Affect, and Fan Mediation in K-pop with Professor Michelle Cho, University of Toronto.
February 4, 2019: The Corridors of Berlin: Proximity, Peripherality, and Surveillance in Dovid Bergelson's Boarding House Stories with Marc Caplan, Yale University.
February 4 - March 15, 2019: "Reclaim! Remain! Rebuild! Posters on Affordable Housing, Gentrification & Resistance" Art Exhibit.
February 7, 2019: Race and Gentrification featuring the Art Exhibit "Reclaim! Remain! Rebuild! Posters on Affordable Housing, Gentrification & Resistance" with Professor Eric Avila, UCLA; Rizzhel Javier, San Diego Artist; Carolina Martinez, Environmental Health Coalition Associate Director; and Georgette Gomez, San Diego City Council President.
February 11, 2019: Le
February 15, 2019:
February 20, 2019: Juan de
February 21, 2019: Up Close and Personal: Gods and Mortals in Classical Athenian Art with Dr. H. Alan Shapiro, Johns Hopkins University.
February 27, 2019: "This is Sparta?: Sparta and Athens as Classroom Models" with Professor Mike Lippman, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
March 4, 2019: "Totem - Song for Home" Film Screening and Q&A with Shingo Wakagi.
March 7, 2019: "Reinterpreting Political Violence in the 20th Century, Europe: A Comparative Perspective" with Professor Julian Casanova, University of Zaragoza/Institute of Advanced Studies Princeton.
March 7, 2019: "Women and Children First: The Earliest Evidence for Ancient Greek Body Amulets" with Professor Christopher Faraone, University of Chicago.
March 7, 2019: Artist's Talk with Chris E. Vargas, Executive Director of the Museum of Transgender
March 8, 2019: "Technoscience and Political Algorithms" Conference.
March 8, 2019: "Translation as a Bridge? Ideological Encounters Between Israeli & American Jewish Cultures" with Dr. Omri Asscher,
March 14, 2019: "Plant Cane, Harvest Fuel": Modern Agriculture and Hunger in Brazil with Professor Thomas Rogers, Emory College of Arts and Sciences.
March 18, 2019: "Yearning to See God: Early Byzantine Art, Theology, and Science" with Dr. Laura Salah Nasrallah, Professor of New Testament & Early Christianity at Harvard Divinity School.
April 8, 2019: "Shakespeare's Shylock and the Legend of the Wandering Jew" with Galit Hasan-Rokem, Professor Emerita of Folklore and Hebrew Literature at Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
April 10, 2019: "Undesirables: Queering the History of U.S. Immigration Policy" with Julio Capó, Associate Professor of History at University of Massachusetts Amherst.
April 11, 2019: "Immigration and Morality: Invitation to a Dialogue" with Joseph Carens, Professor of Political Science at
April 11 and 12, 2019: Big Calculation and the History of Intelligence with Lorraine Daston, Visiting Professor of Social Thought and History at University of Chicago.
April 11 - 18, 2019: The 9th Annual San Diego Asian Film Festival Spring Showcase.
April 15, 2019: "The Scale of Culture: City, Nation, Empire and the Russian-Georgian Encounter" with Harsha Ram, Associate Professor of Slavic and Comparative Literature at UC Berkeley.
April 17, 2019: UC San Diego Inaugural Arab American Heritage Month.
April 18, 2019: Art, Power, and the Radical Imagination with Favianna Rodriguez, Executive Director of CultureStrike.
April 18, 2019: "Reframing Byzantium: Empire, Territory, and Identity after the Fall of Constantinople" with Nathaniel Aschenbrenner, PhD candidate at Harvard University.
April 22, 2019: "Lost and Found: Forgetting and the Formation of Rabbinic Judaism" with Professor Mira Balberg, Professor & Endowed Chair in Ancient Jewish Civilization.
April 23, 2019: "Iranian National Identity and the Nazi's Nuremberg Race Laws" with Dr. Mohammad Rafi, Lecturer in the Humanities at UC Irvine.
April 26, 2019: Diasporic Youth and Resistance via K-pop Cover Dance with Chuyun Oh, PhD, Assistant Professor of Dance at San Diego State University.
April 29, 2019: "Rhythm, Mobility, and Visibility in the International Career of Black Pacific Arts Matriarch Victoria Santa Cruz" with Dr. Heidi Feldman, Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies (CILAS) visiting scholar.
April 30, 2019: Poetry & Convo with Queer Indigenous Poet Tommy Pico.
May 2, 2019: Crossing Borders Symposium.
May 2 and 3, 2019: Feminist World-Building in Japanese Cinema / Building Feminist Worlds in Japanese Cinema Film Screening and Symposium.
May 6, 2019: Athletes at Every Size with Ragen Chastain, Guinness World Record holder for Heaviest Woman to Compete a Marathon.
May 9, 2019: "Literature and Molecules: Remembering Primo Levi on the 100th Anniversary of His Birth" with Prof. Andrew Viterbi, Prof. Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini, Prof. Brian Keating, and Dr. Luca Legnani. Discussant: Dean Cristina Della Coletta.
May 9, 2019: "Spiritrials" A Play by Dahlak Brathwaite.
May 11, 2019: Interrogating Early Modern Empire.
May 13, 2019: Human with a Stool Film Screening and Q&A with the crew.
May 13, 2019: "We Gon' Be Alright" Race and Resegregation in Today's America with Jeff Chang, Vice President of Narrative, Arts, and Culture at Race Forward.
May 14, 2019: "(Re)Locating Known Histories of Science to the South: The Case of Hybrid Seeds in Mexico" with Gabriela Soto Laveaga, Professor of the History of Science at Harvard University.
May 16, 2019: "Local Color: Hawaiian Shave Ice, Aesthetics, and State Multiculturalism" with Dr. Hi'ilei Hobart, Postdoctoral Fellow in Native Studies in the Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race at Columbia University.
May 16, 2019: "Plato in Sicily: Tyrants, Letters, and the Fate of Philosophy" with Dr. Alex Petkas, Assistant Professor of Classics and Humanities at Fresno State University.
May 20, 2019: Bloodless with Gina Kim, Professor at UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television.
May 23, 2019: "Photographic Literacy: Cameras in the Hands of Russian Authors" with Katherine Reischl, Assistant Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures at Princeton University.
May 23, 2019: "A Muslim Admiral and the Chinese Fleet: A Revisionist View of Zheng He's Ocean Voyages (1405-1433) in Global Perspective" with Guotong Li, Professor at California State University Long Beach.
May 23, 2019: "The Injustice Never Leaves You: Anti-Mexican Violence in Texas" with Monica Muñoz Martinez, Assistant Professor of American Studies and Ethnic Studies at Brown University.
May 24, 2019: (CANCELLED) "Nakedness and Protest from Lysistrata to Black Lives Matter" with Helen Morales, Professor at UC Santa Barbara.
May 28, 2019: "3D Online Publications + Social Justice: The Soweto Uprisings, Stompie Seipei, and Apartheid's Long History" with Angel David Nieves, Associate Professor of History and Digital Humanities at San Diego State University.
June 4, 2019: Radicals in the Barrio: A book talk with Justin Chacón, Professor of Chicana/o Studies, San Diego City College.
October 5, 2017: "The Crisis of Commemoration: First Contacts in the Americas" - Dr. Ray Ashley, Frank Salazar, and Dr. Kevin Terraciano
October 9, 2017: “Radical Technologies: The Design of the Everyday Life" - Adam Greenfield
October 9, 2017: "An Archaeologist's Eye: Drawing the Parthenon Sculpture (Or Trying to See What is No Longer Visible)" with Dr. Katherine Schwab.
October 9, 2017: "Remembering Che" - Arnie Schoenberg, Mario Torero, and Professor Emily Hicks
October 11, 2017: CANCELLED: "Like Shadows Walking: Liberating Treblinka with the Red Army" - Jacob Sandbrand
October 16, 2017: "Pacific Worlds and the Development Agenda" - Nancy Kwak.
October 25, 2017: "The Travel Ban: The Politics of Immigration in the US" - Professor Babak Rahimi
October 26, 2017: "Mafia State: The Politics of Organized Crime in Contemporary Turkey" - Professor Ryan Gingeras
November 2, 2016: "Climate Change and Religion" - Professor Thomas Csordas, Professor Aftab Jassal, and Professor Karma Lekshe Tsomo
November 6, 2017: "Against the Deportation Terror" - Professor Rachel Buff
November 7, 2017: "Recovering Histories of Violence in the Borderlands" - Dr. Monica Muñoz Martinez
November 9, 2017: Myth, a documentary film screening
November 13, 2017: "Interactive Workshop" - Las Krudas Cubensi
November 20, 2017: “The Philosophy of Accidentality: Revisiting Mexican Existentialism” - Professor Manuel Vargas for the New Faculty Q&A Series
November 21, 2017: "Hitler, My Neighbor" - Edgar Feuchtwanger
November 27, 2017: "Sentimental Seamen: Structures of Labor, Feeling and Bondage in an American Age of Sail" - Mark B. Kelley, Ph.D. Candidate in Literature, UC San Diego for the Pacific Worlds Initiative
December 1, 2017: "The Roads To and From the Paris Climate Agreement" - Professor Andrew Light
December 4, 2017: "Soldiering through Empire: Race and the Making of the Decolonizing Pacific" - Professor Simeon Man for the Pacific Worlds Initiative
December 7, 2017: "Confronting Political Intimidation and Public Bullying" - Professor Emeritus Roddey Reid, UC San Diego.
December 7, 2017: "The Demise of the US-Turkish Partnership? Strategic Partnership in the Erdogan and Trump Presidencies" - Sinan Ciddi
December 7, 2017: "Why Gorbachev Failed and Deng Xiaoping Succeeded? The Comparison of Soviet and Chinese Transformations" - Professor Vladislav Zubok
January 11, 2018: "After Deportation: The Case of Afghan Deportees" - Professor Shahram Khosravi
January 12, 2018: "Digital Persianate" - Nile Green (Keynote)
January 16, 2018: "Sanctuary and the Homelessness Crisis: Rethinking the Growth of Skid Row, Los Angeles" - Dr. Cindy I-Fen Cheng
January 17, 2018: "The Holocaust Litigations: Defining Guilt, Extracting Reparations" - William Lerach
January 18, 2018: Annual Ranglas Lecture: "Were Barbarians Barbaric? The View from Greece" - Professor Erich S. Gruen
January 24, 2018: "North Korea in the Age of Trump" - Professsor Martin Hart-Landsberg and Hyun Lee
January 29, 2018: "The Eastside Jew That Conquered Europe: Leon Trotsky In America" - Professor Tony Michels
January 31, 2018: "The Capital of Israel? Israeli Settlements and the Annexation of East Jerusalem" - Professor Gary Fields
February 2, 2018: "Blood Purity and Scientific Independence: Blood Science and Postcolonial Struggles in Korea, 1926-1975" - Jaehwan Hyun
February 5, 2018: "The Truth about the Early Fifteenth Century Chinese Ocean Voyages" - Professor Sarah Schneewind
February 5, 2018: Issues of Identity: In Conversation with Hilton Als - Hilton Als and Dr. Gentry Patrick
February 6, 2018: Scalar Workshop with Scalar Team
February 6, 2018: Book Talk and Book Signing: Iran: A Modern History - Professor Abbas Amanat.
February 7, 2018: "North Korea's Nuclear Program: From an Intelligence Perspective" - Torrey Froscher
February 7, 2018: "Face to Face with Demjanjuk: The Elusive Quest for Closure" - Martin Haas
February 12, 2018: Annual Vassiliadis Lecture: "Was There a Eurasian Late Antiquity?" - Professor Michael Kulikowski
February 14, 2018: Design@Large: "Networks for us, by us" - Erin Glass
February 15, 2018: "Artifices of Eternity: Constructing Sainthood in the Ottoman Balkans" - Professor Nikolaos Panou and Peter Tsantes
February 16, 2018: Coding and App Development with Swift in the Digital Humanities - Dr. Andrew Currah
February 20, 2018: "Figuring Korean Figures: Children's Literature in Modern Korea" - Dafna Zur
February 20, 2018: "Visions of Ukraine" - Slava Vakarchuk
February 20, 2018: "The Strange Stories of Yiddishland: What The Yiddish Press Reveals About The Jews?" - Eddy Portnoy
February 21, 2018: "Japanese Studies Career Paths - Alumni Perspectives" as part of the Japanese Studies 30-year Anniversary - Stephanie Borria, Gloria Wu, Jane H. Yamashiro, Dylan Yokoyama
February 21, 2018: "Research and Innovation in Japanese Studies Instruction" as part of the Japanese Studies 30-year Anniversary - Joseph Hankins, Megumi Naoi, Yasu-Hiko Tohsaku
February 21, 2018: "The Future of Japanese Studies" as part of the Japanese Studies 30-year Anniversary - Eric Cazdyn and Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto
February 22, 2018: "The Archaeology of Religious Interaction in Late Antique Palestine - Jews, Christians and Moslems" - Gideon Avni
February 27, 2018: Act and Punishment a film by Evgeny Mitta
February 28, 2018: "The Gendered Politics of Socialist Consumption in North Korea, 1953-65" with Andre Schmid.
February 28, 2018: "East West Street: On the Origins of 'Genocide' and 'Crimes Against Humanity'” - Philippe Sands
March 1, 2018: "The Continuous Clapback: Black Women as Social Justice Activists Part 1: The Legacy of Language" - Alyesha Wise and Miki Vale
March 1, 2018: "Chinese Women's Pornography and its Afterglow" - Professor Katrien Jacobs
March 5, 2018: "Patrolling the Past: Bringing the Papua New Guinea Colonial-Era Reports into the Digital Realm" -Cristela Garcia-Spitz
March 8, 2018: "The Migrating Writer: A Russia-Israel-Ukraine Circuit" - Linor Goralik with Ainsley Morse and Amelia Glaser
March 10, 2018: Xylouris White Duo Concert
March 12, 2018: "Thinking like a Port: Capitalism and Nature in San Diego" with David Pedersen
March 12, 2018: "The Future of American Capitalism" with Professor Robert Brenner
March 13, 2018: "The Ukrainian Night" - Professor Marci Shore
March 14, 2018: "Not like Sheep to the Slaughter: Vengeance or Justice?" - Michael and Bonnie Bart
March 15, 2018: "Ancient Theories of Color" - Professor Katerina Ierodiakonou
March 26, 2018: Celebration of Greek Independence Day - Presentations by doctoral students
April 5, 2018: “Yemen After the Arab Spring: Vicissitude of a New Constitution” - Benoit Challand
April 5, 2018: "Occupational Hazards: Israel in the West Bank" - Dr. Gershon Shafir and Rabbi Graubart
April 11, 2018: "Rising from the Rubble: Creating POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews" - Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett
April 12, 2018: "Agonistic Harmony and Transformation" - Martha Gonzalez
April 12, 2018: "Katzin Lecture: Did Jewish Jokes Immigrate? Late Nineteenth-Century Yiddish Dictionaries and Jewish Dialect Humor in Russia and the United States" - Gabriella Safran
April 13, 2018: "Research Methods in East European Jewish Studies" - Gabriella Safran
April 17, 2018: Semyon Khanin "Russian Poetry's Diaspora" - Kevin Platt
April 17, 2018: "Fake News?: Post-Truth & the Politics of Authenticity since the Cold War" - Professor Ari Heinrich, Professor Kevin Platt, and Natalia Roudakova
April 18, 2018: Film Screening & Discussion of Iphigenia: Book of Change - Director Elise Kermani and panelists Page DuBois and Babak Rahimi
April 19, 2018: "Territorial Expansion and Benthic Depths in Iranian Oil Films" - Professor Negar Mottahedeh
April 19, 2018: "The Continuous Clapback: Black Women as Social Justice Activists Part 2: The Legacy of Local Activism" - Wilnisha "Tru7h" Sutton, N. Diane Moss, and Dr. Sharon Whitehurst-Payne
April 23, 2018: Meet Arts & Humanities Alumni of UC San Diego - Allie Moreno, Kent Oberlin, Emily Zheng, Ona Russell, Christine Eco, Hiroki Araki-Kawasguchi, and Lisa Dearen
April 24, 2018: "Cultural Encounters: The Innovative Islamic Architecture of the Deccan, India" - Dr. Helen Philon
April 26, 2018: Disability, Intersectionality, and State Violence - Leroy Moore (Keynote), Professor Nirmala Erevelles, Anna Mollow, Khalid Alexander, Dustin Gibson, and Jayda Rasberry
April 27, 2018: "Chilenas in the Diaspora: Culture, Resistance, and Hope" - Liliana Wilson and Cecilia Ubilla
April 30, 2018: “How Socialist was China under Chairman Mao?” - Karl Gerth
May 2, 2018: Reading from her Novel: A Woman, in Bed - Anne Finger
May 2, 2018: "The Power of Voice" - Mare Advertencia Lirika
May 3, 2018: "Living in English, Writing in Hebrew: An Israeli Author's Journey Through the American Experience" -Ruby Namdar
May 7, 2018: "Crossing the Atlantic (Once Again): The Return of a Tabom Master Drummer to Bahia" - Professor Juan Diego Díaz
May 9, 2018: "Trump is Causing Chaos in the Middle East" - Foreign correspondent Reese Erlich
May 14, 2018: "Clothing Empires: Japanese Industry, African Consumer Cultures, and British Colonial Policy" - Jeremy Prestholdt
May 14, 2018: Film screening of Color of Paradise - Babak Rahimi
May 15, 2018: Film screening of Takva: A Man's Fear of God - Hasan Kayali
May 16, 2018: Film screening of Last Enemy - Nitzan Gilady
May 17, 2018: Black Women Behind the Camera: The Legacy of the Artistic Lens - Filmmakers Iyabo Kwayana and Ife Olatunji
May 17, 2018: "Migrating Imagi...Nations" - Former U.S. Poet Laureate Juan Felipe Herrera
May 18, 2018: Troubling the Human: Material Entanglements of Early Modern Worlds Symposium - Dr. Ivonne del Valle (Keynote)
May 19, 2018: Root Worlds: Intersectional Foundations for New Imagination - Livia Blackburne, Stephanie Diaz, Lisa Bolekaja, Professor Shelly Streeby, Professor Beatrice Pita, and Professor Rosaura Sánchez
May 24, 2018: "#metoo and the Failure to Warn Others" - Professor Elizabeth Harman
May 24, 2018: "Celebration of Africa: Safari" - Fashion designers Ugochi Iwuaba and Hagereseb and various performances
May 30, 2018: "Against All Odds: Born in Mauthausen" - Eva Clarke
May 31, 2018: "Thinking About the Truth(s) in North Korea" - Professor Sonia Ryang
June 4, 2018: "Acorns, Asphaltum, and Asymmetrical Exchange: Reevaluating Island Economies in Ancient California" - Mikael Fauvelle for the Pacific Worlds Initiative
June 5, 2018: "Why Destroy Yemen?: Roots to the World’s Greatest Humanitarian Catastrophe" - Dr. Isa Blumi
October 6, 2016: Institute of Arts & Humanities Inaugural Celebration - IAH & UC San Diego Library
October 14-16, 2016: “Palimpsests 2” Conference on Filipino Studies: “Filipinos and the Philippines”
October 18, 2016: "Challenging Conversations: Race and State Violence" - Dr. Gaye Theresa Johnson and Dr. Jordan Camp
October 27, 2016: "Community, Arts, Resistance: Poetry Reading" - Dr. Adrian Arancibia
November 7, 2016: "The Third Worlds of America: Poverty in San Diego" - Dr. Babak Rahimi
November 14, 2016: "The Revolutionary Imaginations of Greater Mexico" - Professor Alan Eladio Gomez
November 16, 2016: Chicano/a~Latino/a Arts & Humanities (CLAH) Relaunch & Fundraiser Social
November 16, 2016: "Refugee Archives: Problematizing the Discourse of Rescue in Refugee Archival Practices" - Dr. Thuy Vo Dang
November 19-20, 2016: Scholarship Fundraiser: Art Exhibit & Sale in support of UC San Diego Latino students - Olivia Graeve
January 11, 2017: "From Books-Internet to TV-Internet: What does the demise of text and hypertext mean for the future of the internet and its early promises?" - Hossein Derakhshan hosted by IAH & Literature Department
January 25, 2017: A Conversation with Vietnamese-American Artist Trinh Mai
February 1, 2017: 5th Annual Alkiviadis Vassiliadis Lecture: "The Magic of Craft: Workshops and the Materialization of Christianity in Late Antique Egypt" - Dr. David Frankfurter hosted by the Center for Hellenic Studies
February 3, 2017: Chinese New Year Student Celebration - Chinese Studies Program
February 8, 2017: "Executive Orders: Islam in the Trump Era" - Dr. Babak Rahimi hosted by the Third World Studies Program
February 9, 2017: Films from the Korean Diaspora Series: Jane Jin Kaisen hosted by Transnational Korean Studies
February 10, 2017: Films from the Korean Diaspora Series: Jane Jin Kaisen (Part 2) hosted by Transnational Korean Studies
February 13, 2017: "The Voice of My Brother's Blood: The Murder of a Town in Eastern Galicia" - Professor Omer Bartov hosted by the Jewish Studies Program
February 15, 2017: Understanding the Melancholia Epidemic: The Case of Hallyu (the Korean Wave) Fans - Professor Ingyu Oh hosted by Transnational Korean Studies
February 21, 2017: "From Japanese Internment to the Muslim Ban: History Forgotten and Remembered" - Dr. Wael Al-Delaimy, Dr. Simeon Man, Dr. Wendy Matsuura, and Dr. Michael Provence
February 21, 2017: Films from the Korean Diaspora Series: Heung-soon IM. Lecture: "Things That Do Us Part: Belief, Fear, Faith, Betrayal, Love, Hatred, Ghost" - Transnational Korean Studies
February 22, 2017: Films from the Korean Diaspora Series: Heung-soon IM. Film Screening: Factory Complex - Transnational Korean Studies
February 22, 2017: Identities are Changeable: A Conversation with Miguel Zenón - Sponsored by Departments of Anthropology, Ethnic Studies, Music, the Studio for Ethnographic Design, Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies
February 24, 2017: The California Interdisciplinary Consortium of Italian Studies (CICIS) annual conference, themed 'Genius loci/ genius populi: Italy, a genius of place and a place of genius.' - co-sponsored by the Division of Arts & Humanities, Institute of Arts and Humanities, and the Departments of History, Literature, Theatre and Visual Arts
March 2, 2017: Annual Ranglas Lecture: "The Greek Hero in Mythic Narratives" - Dr. Sarah Iles Johnston hosted by the Center for Hellenic Studies
March 2, 2017: Documentary Screening of My Life in China and Discussion with filmmaker Kenneth Eng hosted by Institute of Arts & Humanities, Ethnic Studies, Qualcomm Institute, International House
March 8, 2017: "A Mother's Last Wish: Stories from the Bloodlands - Pam Zimbalist hosted by the Jewish Studies Program
March 9, 2017: The Bereishit Dance Company co-sponsored by the Transnational Korean Studies program
March 14, 2017: "The End of 'The End of History': Lessons of East European Totalitarianism for the Postmodern World - Panel with Dr. Patrick Hyder, Dr. Steven Seegel, Dr. Marci Shore, and Dr. Tim Snyder, and moderated by Dr. Amelia Glaser
May 18, 2017: Challenging Conversations: "City of Inmates: Conquest, Rebellion, and Rise of Human Caging" - Kelly Lytle Hernandez.
May 25, 2017: Community, Arts and Resistance: East L.A. Interchange screening with film-maker Besty Kalin.
June 1, 2017: CANCELLED: Challenging Conversations: "#Black Lives Matter in the Trump Era" - Professor Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor.
January 25, 2016: "Muslim and Christian Influence on Jewish Law in the Middle Ages" - Rabbi Professor David Golinkin hosted by Jewish Studies
January 27, 2016: "How Scientific Racialization Shapes Mexican Immigration Policies 1848-present" - Professor Natalia Molina Mexican Immigration for the Division of Arts of Humanities "Degrees of Health and Well-being" lecture series
January 30, 2016: "Probing Fragments: Contemporary Art and Architecture in South Korea" (Art and Architecture Conference) - Sessions with Minouk Lim, Kyong Park, Sunjung Kim, Miwon Kwon, Erica Cho, Yongsoon Min, Jihoi Lee, and Kyong Park hosted by Korean Studies
February 4, 2016: "Panel Discussion: Political Imprisonment, the Prison Industrial Complex, and Radical Resistance" - Former political prisoner Sekou Abdullah Odinga and Dr. Johanna Fernández hosted by African American Studies
February 9, 2016: "Putting Religion in Its Places: How the Roman Empire became Christians" - Professor Christine Shepardson hosted by the Center for Hellenic Studies
February 12, 2016: Chinese New Year - Chinese Studies
February 18, 2016: "How Pink Turned Red: Korean Christianity and Queer Geopolitics" - Professor Ju Hui Judy Han hosted by Transnational Korean Studies
February 24, 2016: The Wild West Bank – reading from the “The Hilltop” - Author and Professor Assaf Gavron hosted by Jewish Studies
February 26, 2016: "Human Rights and History" - Professor Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann hosted by European Studies
March 15, 2016: "Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning" - Professor Timothy Snyder hosted by Jewish Studies and European Studies
April 7, 2016: A Conversation with Olympian Meb Keflezighi - European Studies
April 7, 2016: A 'New-Allegorical' Reading of Late Latin Poetry - Professor Marco Formisano hosted by the Center for Hellenic Studies
April 9, 2016: Triton Day 2016 - Institute of Arts and Humanities
April 18, 2016: "Organizing Against Democracy: The Development of the Golden Dawn in Greece" - Professor Antonis A. Ellinas hosted by the Center for Hellenic Studies
May 5, 2016: "Antisemitism and Other Racism" - Professor Jack Jacobs hosted by Jewish Studies
May 12, 2016: "Neighboring Faiths: Christianity, Islam, Judaism" - Professor David Nirenberg hosted by Jewish Studies
Challenging Conversations
his series sponsors lectures that engage timely, difficult, and complex issues of the day.
- October 18, 2021: Food Justice and Community Health with The Kitchenistas of National City (YouTube) featuring Mayor Alejandra Sotelo-Solis, Aureny Aranda, Patty Corona, and Sabrina Falquier Montgrain, MD
- October 16, 2020: What Does an Abolitionist Asian American Politics Look Like? (YouTube) with DJ Kuttin Kandi, Phal Sok, and Rachel Kuo, moderated by K. Wayne Yang
- May 28, 2020: Virtual Teach-In, Detention/Pandemic: The Crisis at the Otay Mesa Detention Center (YouTube) with Vanessa Ceceña, Monika Langarica and Cynthia Marlene Galaz
- October 25, 2019: Film Screening of "Minding the Gap" and Discussion About Race, Mental Health, and Community with film subject Keire Johnson and Assistant Professor of Narrative Media in the Department of Visual Arts at UC San Diego, Erica Cho.
- May 13, 2019: "We Gon' Be Alright" Race and Resegregation in Today's America with Jeff Chang.
- February 15, 2019: UniverCities: How Higher Education is Transforming Urban America with Professor Davarian Baldwin.
- February 7, 2019: Race and Gentrification featuring the Art Exhibit "Reclaim! Remain! Rebuild! Posters on Affordable Housing, Gentrification & Resistance" with Professor Eric Avila, Georgette Gomez, Rizzhel Javier, Carolina Martinez
- November 14, 2018: Beyond the Wall: The Aftermath of Deportation in Mexico with Otros Dreams en Accion.
- April 17, 2018: "Fake News?: Post-Truth & the Politics of Authenticity since the Cold War" Listen to it here.
- January 24, 2018: "North Korea in the Age of Trump" with Martin Hart-Landsberg and Hyun Lee.
- November 6, 2017: "Against the Deportation Terror" with Rachel Buff.
- October 5, 2017: "The Crisis of Commemoration: First Contacts in the Americas" with Ray Ashley, Frank Salazar and Kevin Terraciano.
- May 18, 2017: "Challenging Conversations: City of Inmates: Conquest, Rebellion, and Rise of Human Caging" with Kelly Lytle Hernandez.
- March 14, 2017: "The End of 'The End of History': Lessons of East European Totalitarianism for the Postmodern World" with Amelia Glaser, Patrick Hyder Patterson, Steven
Seegel , Marci Shore, and Tim Snyder. - February 21, 2017: "From Japanese Internment to the Muslim Ban: History Forgotten and Remembered" with Wael Al-Delaimy, Simeon Man, Wendy Matsumura, and Michael Provence.
- October 18, 2016: "Race & State Violence" with Jordan Camp and Gaye Johnson.